Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Sad Day for Two Little Girls

      Today our good friends and neighbors, the Wilson family, moved from South Carolina to Delaware.  Hannah and Lauren have known this day was coming, and for many months now almost every time we pass by their home (a few houses down from ours), Hannah will say, "Miss Kellyn is moving.  That's SO SAD!"  But, yesterday reality really hit home.  It was the day we would say our final goodbyes.  Yesterday morning I told Hannah and Lauren that later in the afternoon we would go down to Miss Kellyn's house and say goodbye to them before they left.  Both girls immediately started getting sad.  It was time for me to put Timmy down for his nap, and once I came out of his room, Hannah and Lauren were both waiting for me outside his door, and Hannah said, "Mama, we are both really sad."  So, we went in my room and climbed up on the bed and each took turns praying for the Wilson family.  Then, Hannah climbed in my arms and burst into tears for about 5 minutes while I held her and loved on her.   We talked about how it was okay to be sad and this really was going to be a sad day.  But, we were also happy that we had known Miss Kellyn and her family for the past year and half.  Both girls made cards for the Wilson's and that seemed to cheer them up a bit.  But, later in the afternoon when we went to give our final hugs, Lauren was the first one to cry and could barely give Miss Kellyn a hug because she was so sad.  Hannah was able to be happy through the goodbyes, but as soon as we got back in the car, both girls could not contain their tears.  Lauren was crying really hard and saying over and over again, "Miss Kellyn, Miss Kellyn."  Hannah also started crying really hard for the next 10 minutes.  Our girls are at the age now where they are really starting to experience deeper emotions.  Tim and I were so sad for our girls as we watched them going through this grieving process.  We just wanted to hold them and love them because we too know what those emotions feel like.  Early this morning the Wilson family left before we were even awake, but when Hannah and Lauren woke up they remembered that this was the big moving day.  They were still sad but doing much better.  It truly was a sad day yesterday for our two precious little girls.

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