Friday, November 14, 2008

Baby James is Born!!!

Please rejoice with us over a precious new life the Lord has given our family!  On Wednesday, November 12 at 12:51 p.m. baby James Stephen Reed was born, weighing 7 lbs. 7.5 oz., and he was 20 inches tall.  James is named after his Grandpa Jim (Tim's dad) who went to be with the Lord 14 years ago.  His middle name is after Stephen in the Bible who gave his life willingly to follow the Lord Jesus (Acts 7).  Hannah and Lauren love the story of Stephen and look forward to seeing him in heaven one day along with their Grandpa Jim.  
James was born by way of c-section due to him being breech in his mama's tummy. This was Allyson's first c-section and in some ways she felt like she was having a first baby all over again.  But, praise the Lord the delivery went great.  Recovery is also going very well.  We went into the hospital at 10:30 on Wednesday morning and were able to leave the hospital at 9:30 on Friday morning - a little under 48 hours.  
Hannah, Lauren, and Timmy are all thrilled about their new little brother.  Hannah and Lauren can't get enough of holding him.  They are great helpers with James and Mama already.  The first time they came to visit us at the hospital, Hannah and Lauren brought a poster they had made that said, "Happy Birthday James!  We love you!  Love, Hannah, Lauren, and Timmy."  Hannah wrote the whole thing by herself in different colors, and Lauren cut out shapes to paste on it and put stickers all over it as well.  Timmy likes to point at James and say some "words".  He's come close to kissing James several times but hasn't quite gotten close enough - probably tomorrow.  :)  Just this afternoon, Timmy got really close to James and was studying him when James all of a sudden spit up a little bit.  Timmy burst out in tears, not sure what had happened.  It was precious!
Tim and I are so blessed to have four precious children who we have the privilege of raising in the fear and admonition of the Lord!  Even more, we are thankful to have a wonderful marriage and to give the gift of loving parents to our children.  God is so good!  Thank you for rejoicing with us!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so hapopy for all of you. He is precious and I am sure will be a treasure to your family. I pray God's blessing and love on all of you. Thanks for keeping me in the loop. Take care and enjoy those beautiful angels!

Teri Donohue

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Allyson and Tim! He is Precious!! I love the pictures of all four of the children in the chair together. How many fun memories await! God is good!

Eilonwy said...

He's precious! You're all precious!

Eilonwy said...

I just realized that everyone else used the word "precious". I'll say "remarkable" instead, even though it doesn't have the flow that precious did.

Anonymous said...

Great job!! They all look great, can't wait to see you guys again, hopefully sooner than later!! God Bless you.

Cousin Robb in Minnesota

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! He is beautiful! We have been thinking about you guys! I can't believe James is already here! I can't believe how big the girls and timmy have got. Thanks for the email!
Kellyn and the boys!

Anonymous said...

Congrats guys! What a cute looking baby! Looks like Tim is well on the way to having his own Indoor soccer team (assuming Lauren and Hannah even like soccer :-) ). Thanks for the update and all the best!

-Donald and Erin Onyango

Anonymous said...

Well, what a cute baby boy ! We are so happy for you guys and can't wait to see you in about a month !! Yahoooooo !
Love and hugs,
Yaya and G'pa Moik