Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lauren!

   Today our precious little girl, Lauren, turns 4 years old!!  Her Papa took her out on a breakfast date to Dunkin Donuts, and they had a great time!  Then, they went to the bank together, and the ladies at the bank sang "Happy Birthday" to Lauren.  Tonight, Lauren has chosen to go out to Red Robin to celebrate her birthday.  It's a month full of birthdays in our home!  Hannah had one last week... Lauren's is April 1st... Allyson's is April 18... Tim's is April 20.  Lots to celebrate!  We are thankful for the lives the Lord has given us to praise him with and obey Him.  May we all be found faithful.  As Lauren always says (very often with a huge smile on her face), "I can't wait to go to heaven!"   :)  

1 comment:

Randy and Alison said...

Hello! THis is Alison- Mark and Marylin's friend. Drop me an e-mail acoslow(at)mail(dot)com. When Marylin told me you all were moving to the country, my husband got so excited... he loves to hear about people getting back to farming and doing it right. :-> Required reading- Family Friendly Farming by Joel Salatin. Little pricey, but you may be able to find it at a library. His views on parenting rank right up there with James Dobson. You'll love it and be thankful for his ideas. We'd love to hear what you have planned for your farm too! God BLESS!